Cecil Black John Mule 15HH
- 8 Yrs. old
Cecil is a nice easy going gentle mule. He is good with his feet and ears. Has good ground manners.
works in the harness really good and is a good trail mule. *SOLD* *********************************************************

Ada, OK Kelso Mule Sale October 3-5, 2024

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our pages of available teams, riding mules, or foals & yearlings for sale. See the pages listing our upcoming sales in
Oklahoma where you can buy and sell quality mules, horses, and jack stock. We have included a page with directions and a map
if you would like to come see our mules in person. Be sure to read our memorial page dedicated to Glen Kelso, the patriarch
of our mule family. Once again, thanks for taking the time to visit ..... Kelso Mules on line !
Johnny Kelso..... 270-293-0538
Justin Kelso..... 270-293-0630
Kelso...270-293-0691 ---------------------------------------------------
Write to us at: Kelso Mules 121 Mule Lane Murray, Kentucky 42071 ---------------------------------------------------
Email us at: mail@kelsomules.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Every e-mail message gets a prompt response! We want to hear from you. Thanks !

Copyright 2002-2024 Kelso Mules
Site Updated:05/30/2024